Greater China Private Equity Summit (GPES) 2024 | 大中华私募股权峰会 2024

Greater China Private Equity Summit (GPES) 2024 | 大中华私募股权峰会 2024

The Greater China Private Equity Summit (GPES) 2024, the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA)’s flagship event for the Greater China venture capital and private equity sector, has successfully concluded on 20 May 2024. This year’s GPES convened 600 attendees in person, featuring a distinguished roster of close to 60 GPs, LPs, and industry professionals as speakers and panelists, who shared invaluable insights.

The annual summit, hosted at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, saw the participation of renowned guests including The Honourable Christopher Hui, GBS, JP, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury; Conrad Tsang, Founder and Chairman Strategic Year Holdings; Wilfred Yiu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; and Fred Hu, Founder, Primavera Capital Group.

Rebecca Xu, Chairwoman of the HKVCA, said: “We are delighted to once again bring together the most influential leaders from Greater China’s PE and VC industry at this year’s conference. HKVCA is proud to facilitate dynamic discussions, foster lasting partnerships, and drive innovation among senior executives, industry experts, and emerging talents through our platform. With Greater China’s economy demonstrating signs of recovery, we are confident that the market still holds immense growth potential and remains an attractive destination for global investors seeking untapped investment opportunities. The strong attendance at the event serves as a testament to the enduring interest in Greater China’s PE and VC industry.”

Industry experts provided insights into the current opportunities and challenges within Greater China’s PE and VC industry, encompassing a wide range of topics including the impact of AI and big data, the emergence of family offices and private credit as alternative funding methods, PE exit strategies, new trends shaping the consumer goods segment, as well as sector highlights including electric vehicles and new energy.


本次年度峰会在香港会议展览中心举行,与会嘉宾包括财经事务及库务局局长许正宇先生, GBS, JP、策年控股创始人及董事长曾光宇先生、香港交易及结算有限公司集团副行政总裁姚嘉仁先生以及春华资本集团创始人胡祖六博士。



Program 峰会议程

  •  9:04 – 9:08 |  N101, HKCEC (New Wing)

Remarks by HKVCA Chairwoman 香港创业及私募投资协会主席致辞

  • 9:23 – 9:38 |  N101, HKCEC (New Wing)

Keynote 主旨演讲

  • 10:23 – 10:45 |  N100, HKCEC (New Wing)

Coffee Break 茶歇

After 10:45 the conference will split into two simultaneous streams
10:45 后,峰会将分成两股平行论坛
  • 12:15 – 13:40 |  N201, HKCEC (New Wing)

Luncheon 午宴

  •  15:35 -15:55 |  N100, HKCEC (New Wing)

Coffee Break 茶歇

After 15:55, the conference will resume in N101
15:55 后,峰会将集中于主会场 N101 厅

  •  17:25 – 17:30 |  N101, HKCEC (New Wing)

Closing Remarks 闭幕辞

About China Private Equity Summit

The Greater China Private Equity Summit (GPES), an HKVCA flagship event, will bring together more than 600 delegates, most of whom are senior management and C-suite executives actively participating in the dynamic investment markets across all sectors, stages, and geographies in China. This gathering serves as a platform for industry leaders to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and foster meaningful collaborations.

The line-up of expert speakers includes over 60 limited partners, investors, advisors, and industry professionals offering thought-provoking perspectives on the key opportunities and challenges that private equity and venture capital professionals need to navigate and evaluate in China. The focal points of discussion will span various aspects of China’s private equity landscape, encompassing topics such as family offices, private credit, exits, AI and big data, EV, and more.



演讲嘉宾阵容包括 60 多名有限合伙人、投资者、顾问和行业专业人士,他们将就行业人士在中国需要应对和评估的关键机遇和挑战发表了发人深省的观点。讨论将涵盖中国私募股权领域的各个方面,包括家族办公室、私募信贷、退出、人工智能和大数据、电动汽车等主题。


Mr. Henry Yuan, Managing Director, ABCI Investment Management

Henry Yuan is currently the Managing Director of ABCI Investment Management and leads the investment portfolio, covering equity and debt in both private and public markets. He was formerly the Deputy Chief Investment Officer for Anbang Insurance Group and accomplished many notable investment transactions globally. He also chaired the investment committees for Anbang regional holding companies and asset management affiliates. Previously, he worked as a Managing Director at international banks such as Standard Chartered and HSBC in Hong Kong. He has been a CFA Charterholder since 2003. Henry holds a Master of Science degree in Finance and Real Estate from UW-Madison and a Bachelor of Economics from UIBE in Beijing.


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Mr. Peter Wang, Managing Director, CR-CCT Industry Pilot Fund, China Resources Capital Management

Mr. Peter Wang is the Managing Director of the tech fund sponsored by China Resources Group and China Chengtong.
Mr. Wang has over ten years of experience in private equity investment and management in China. He is responsible for a number of significant transactions invested by serval funds managed by the firm.

王可旸先生, 华润资本管理有限公司 润诚产业领航基金 董事总经理



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Mr. Ray Hu, Managing Partner, Blue Lake Capital

Professional Experience:
2014/9 - present Founder and Managing Partner, Blue Lake Capital
2007/7 - 2014/6 Vice President, GGV Capital
2002/9 - 2007/6 Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
Ray Hu has over a decade of experience in venture capital investing. Ray’s keen discernment of industry trends and business models has driven his current focus on software and industrial digitalization. Ray is responsible for successful investments in many well-known companies, including Momenta, Yiheda (SHE: 301029), Meicai, Cloud Helios, Zhenyun, Moka, Thinking Data, Trensor and Itimotor. Prior to founding Blue Lake Capital, Ray worked at GGV Capital, where he led investments in 21Vianet (Nasdaq: VNET), (Nasdaq: QUNR), MediaV [acquired by Qihoo 360 (NYSE: QIHU) and Leo Group (SZ: 002131)], Grab (GRAB), and Before entering venture capital investing, he worked at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Ray holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics from Fudan University and an MBA Degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

胡磊先生 蓝湖资本管理合伙人



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Ms. Carolyn Chen, Managing Director of Innovation Banking, HSBC

Managing Director of Innovation Banking, HSBC. Carolyn has over 25 years equity investment and venture debt/long term lending experience. Before joining HSBC in July 2023, Carolyn was with SVB China for close to 10 years, leading SVB China business including SVB China Banking, Cross-Border Business, and VC/PE investor relationship coverage. She also managed SVB China RMB FoF and Direct Investment Fund while in SVB. Before joining SVB, Carolyn worked with International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private investment arm of World Bank Group, for 10 years. Carolyn was responsible for the business promotion/development, leading transaction and portfolio management for long-term loan and direct equity investment in China private sector in Manufacturing, Agriculture and Service (MAS) industry. Carolyn also involved in IFC’s Panda Bond issuance/on lending, Dim-Sum Bond issuance/on-lending, and Currency SWAP and lending projects with the swap proceeds. All these three were the first of its kind in China market. Before IFC, Carolyn was with CICC Equity Research Department for three years, where she and her team won Best Industry Analysist ranking from “Asia Money. Carolyn holds MBA from London Business School and Bachelor of Economics from UIBE.

陈青女士 汇丰科创金融 董事总经理

现任汇丰科创金融董事总经理。拥有超过25年的股权投资经验,主要专注在实业及早期风险投资领域的股权投资和债权融资。在2023年7月加入汇丰之前,Carolyn在硅谷银行服务近10年,负责硅谷银行中国的业务,以及硅谷资本中国的母基金和直投基金的总体业务,并将其管理规模从6亿人民币扩张到60亿人民币。加入硅谷银行之前,曾供职于国际金融公司(IFC),世界银行集团的私营投资部门。任职IFC期间,除参与IFC早期投资部门投资以外,还负责中国制造业,农业和服务业的项目的直接股权投资和长期贷款工作。其主导和参与的早期及中后期直接股权投资项目包括晨鸣纸业,和睦家医疗,复星医药,牧原食品,元征科技,硕人海泰,新奥特视频等,参与并主导了三个中国第一债务发行和转贷,即中国市场的熊猫债的发行和转贷,点心债的发行和转贷,以及货币互换项目的执行和贷款项目。在加入IFC之前,曾在中国国际金融有限公司的资本分析部供职三年,其所在团队在2002年获得“Asia Money”(亚洲货币)行业最佳分析团队第八名的荣誉。拥有伦敦商学院工商管理硕士学位和对外经济贸易大学的经济学学士学位。


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Mr. Gabriel Li, CEO, Managing Partner & Investment Committee Member, Orchid Asia Group Management

Gabriel Li is the CEO, Managing Partner & Investment Committee Member of Orchid Asia Group Management, Limited (“Orchid Asia”), a private equity firm focused on investing in Asia specifically China over the past 20+ years. He led the first round investment in Ctrip International (Nasdaq: CTRP) and Eachnet (sold to EBAY) for Orchid Asia. He is also currently the Vice Chairman of the Board and Director of Ctrip, the largest travel reservation services company in China. Gabriel is an ex-director of Autohome Inc. (Nasdaq: ATHM), the leading online trading platforms for automobile. He is also an ex-director of Lifetech Scientific Corporation (HKSE: 8122), ex-director of Zhaopin (Nasdaq: ZPIN), the leading online recruitment company in China and an ex-director of Sangfor Technologies Inc (300454.SZ), the largest independent cyber security in China. Gabriel is currently the Director of Nirvana Asia Ltd, Qeeka Home (Cayman) Inc.
Gabriel graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Berkeley, earned his M.S. magna cum laude from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his M.B.A. from Stanford Business School.

李基培先生 兰馨亚洲投资集团 执行合伙人及投资委员会成员

李先生担任兰馨亚洲投资集团的执行合伙人及投资委员会成员,该公司为专注投资于中国及亚洲其他地区的私募股权公司。 李先生领导了兰馨亚洲在携程旅游网及易趣网 (后卖给eBay) 的第一轮投资。李先生现在还担任纳斯达克上市公司-携程旅游网(CTRP)的副主席和董事,该公司是中国最大的网上旅游服务公司。李先生亦曾担任汽车之家 (纳斯达克交易所代码: ATHM),智联招聘 (纳斯达克交易所代码: ZPIN) ,先健科技 (香港交易所代码: 8122) 和深信服 (深圳交易所代码: 300454 )的非执行董事。此外,李先生现在还担任富贵生命和齐屹科技的董事。
李基培先生以最高荣誉称号(summa cum laude)毕业于加州大学柏克利分校,在麻省理工学院获得科学硕士学位,并在斯坦福大学获得工商管理硕士学位。


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Mr. Darren Bowdern, Partner, Tax, Hong Kong, Head of Asset Management Tax, ASPAC, KPMG China

Darren is a partner in KPMG’s Hong Kong tax practice. He has more than 30 years experience of serving institutions in a wide range of industries in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific.
Darren is the Head of Asset Management Tax in Asia Pacific. He heads up the Alternative Investments and M&A Tax practice in Hong Kong. He has been advising on transactions in Asia Pacific with respect to tax matters, including due diligence reviews, investment holding structures and advising on cross border transactions. Many of these projects comprise of tax effective regional planning including consideration of direct and indirect taxes, capital and stamp duties, withholding taxes and the effective use of double taxation agreements.
Darren also advises on establishing direct investment, private equity and other investment funds in Hong Kong and advises clients in a wide range of industries.
Darren specializes in cross-border buy-and sell-side M&A tax services (e.g. Tax Due Diligence, Tax Vendor Due Diligence), tax structuring, tax planning and optimization and international corporate tax issues, restructuring and optimization. Darren has extensive experience in working with the mainland Chinese market, including structuring acquisitions of investments in China.
Darren is the Vice Chair of the Technical Committee of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA). He is also the Co-Chair of the Alternative Investment Management Association Limited (AIMA) Hong Kong Tax Committee and the Member of AIMA Hong Kong Executive Committee.
Darren graduated from the University of Melbourne and is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

包迪云先生 毕马威中国 香港特别行政区税务部合伙人及亚太区资产管理税务部主管

包迪云是毕马威中国(KPMG China)之香港特别行政区税务部合伙人,于香港及亚太区各行各业的机构服务方面拥有逾30年经验。


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Ms. Min Lin, Partner, TPG NewQuest

Min Lin is a Partner of TPG NewQuest. Min co-founded NewQuest and co-leads its Greater China business. Min has over 20 years of experience in finance and investing in the United States and Asia. Prior to co-founding NewQuest, she was a Director focusing on China investments for Bank of America’s Asia Private Equity Group based in Hong Kong.
Prior to relocating to Hong Kong, Min worked for several years at Merrill Lynch in New York within the structured finance group. She has also previously worked as an accountant for Arthur Andersen in China.
Min received her MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management in Cambridge, MA and an undergraduate degree from Lingnan College of Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China. Min studied in the EMBA program of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Min is a member of the HKVCA’s PRC committee and serves on the Board of Trustees of Lingnan College of Sun Yat-Sen University. Min is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

林敏女士 TPG NewQuest 合伙人

林敏女士是TPG NewQuest 的合伙人。林女士是新程投资(NewQuest)的创始合伙人之一及大中华区联席主管。林女士在亚洲和美国的金融与投资领域具有超过20年的工作经验。在联合创立新程投资前,林女士在美银美林(亚洲)私募股权投资部担任董事。
林女士于麻省理工学院斯隆商学院取得MBA学位,于中山大学岭南学院金融系取得学士学位。林女士曾在北京长江商学院EMBA项目进修。林女士持有注册金融分析师牌照(CFA)。林女士现为香港创业及私募投资协会中国内地委员会委员以及中山大学岭南学院董事会成员。 林女士说英语、粤语及普通话。


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Ms. Melissa Guzy, Managing Partner, Arbor Ventures

Melissa C. Guzy serves as the Founder and Managing Partner at Arbor Ventures. Prior to establishing Arbor Ventures, Melissa held the role of Managing Partner and was a pivotal member of the Investment Committee at VantagePoint Capital Partners. Her current portfolio of board positions encompasses InCountry, Tabby, Ready, Nomi Health, and TrueAccord. Notably, Melissa played the role of investor board member for Paidy, a company that was subsequently acquired by Paypal for an impressive $2.88 billion. Beyond her corporate involvements, Melissa also holds a position on the Board of Trustees at The Jackson Laboratory, an institution committed to uncovering precise genomic solutions for diseases and fostering global collaboration within the biomedical community to enhance human health.
Melissa’s academic journey led her to Wellesley College, and she further advanced her education by obtaining a Master of Science in Finance from the University of Florida. Her scholarly contributions include the paper “Venture Capital Returns and Public Market Performance.” She holds a prominent role as the Co-Chair of the Venture Committee within the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA), and she also serves on the Board of Directors of the HKVCA. Notably, she was previously a member of the Hong Kong SFC on Innovation. Melissa’s expertise extends to academia, where she served as a guest lecturer on Venture Capital Industry at prestigious institutions such as the University of Florida, Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Furthermore, Melissa is a distinguished Hopkins Fellow and an alumna of the Women’s Leadership Program at Harvard University. Her accomplishments have garnered recognition, including being listed as a Top 100 Influencer in Fintech by NxtBnk, earning the designation of an AlwaysOn Fintech Power Player, and being acknowledged as one of the Top 13 Women in Asia who are Tech Influencers.

顾怡梅女士 乔木创投 创始人和董事合伙人

顾怡梅女士是乔木创投的创始人和董事合伙人,拥有超过25年的硅谷创业及美国、亚洲市场风险投资经验。创建乔木创投之前,顾女士是优点资本的董事总经理和投资决策委员会成员,主要关注硅谷及亚洲市场的早期科技创新企业。顾女士的成功投资案例包括Finisar(纳斯达克上市,代码NASDAQ: FNSR)、Pure Digital(被Cisco收购),Oxford Semiconductor(被PLX收购)以及iWatt(被Dialogics收购)等。
Arbor Ventures主要关注亚洲市场的金融服务、大数据及电子商务的投资机会,投资团队目前分布于香港、上海及日本三地。
顾女士拥有韦尔斯利学院学士学位和佛罗里达大学金融学硕士学位。她是“创业投资回报及公开市场表现”(“Venture Capital Returns and Public Market Performance”)一文的作者。同时,她也是佛罗里达大学、香港大学、香港中文大学和香港科技大学的创投客座讲师。顾女士是香港创业及私募投资协会(HKVCA)创业基金委员会委员,霍普金斯会员(Hopkins Fellow),并参加了哈佛大学女性领导力项目。


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Mr. Niklas Risberg, Director, Lexington Partners

Niklas Risberg is a Director of Lexington Partners primarily engaged in the evaluation of secondary purchases of non-U.S. private equity and alternative investments.
Prior to joining Lexington in 2016, Mr. Risberg was an associate in investment banking at Morgan Stanley.
Mr. Risberg graduated from the University of Warwick with a BSc in management.


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Mr. Shaun Lim,
Co-President and Partner, HOPU Investments;
Head, HOPU-ARM Innovation Fund

Shaun is Co-President, Partner and member of the management committee of HOPU Investments, an Asia alternative asset manager with US$20billion AUM that specializes in creating proprietary investments driven by its unique network and strong fundamental analysis capabilities. Its industry focuses include consumer, technology, healthcare, financial services, and logistics/real estate. He is also concurrently Head of HOPU-ARM Innovation Fund, a private equity fund set up jointly by HOPU and Arm Technologies investing in deep technology opportunities.
Shaun has over 20 years’ experience in private equity and investment banking, having worked in London, New York, Amsterdam, Singapore and Hong Kong. He was previously Managing Director at Blackstone, Head of China Financial Institutions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Vice President of ABN AMRO Private Equity. Mr. Lim also founded NBF Capital, a platform specializing in technology investments, as well as co-founded two technology start-ups with HK listed Pico Group in China where he also served as CEO.
Shaun has a Bachelor's degree in Economics (First Class Honours) from the London School of Economics and Political Science.


林思汉先生是厚朴投资的联席总裁、合伙人兼管理委员会成员。厚朴投资是亚洲领先的另类投资管理公司,管理资产规模达200亿美元,专注于依托自身独特的资源与强大的基础分析能力创造专有投资机会。其行业重点包括消费、科技、医疗、金融服务和物流与房地产。林先生同时还兼任厚安创新基金的负责人,该基金由厚朴和英国安谋科技(Arm Technologies)共同设立,专注于深科技领域的投资。
林先生在私募股权和投资银行领域拥有超过20年的经验,曾在伦敦、纽约、阿姆斯特丹、新加坡和香港工作。他此前曾在黑石集团担任董事总经理,也曾是美银美林证券中国金融机构部负责人,以及荷兰银行私募股权部担任副总裁。林先生还创立了专注于科技投资的NBF Capital平台,并与香港上市公司笔克集团在中国共同创办了两家科技初创企业,并担任其首席执行官。


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Ms. Brooke Zhou, Partner, LGT Capital Partners

Brooke Zhou is Partner of LGT Capital Partners, and leads LGT CP’s secondary investment activities in Asia, as well as the firm’s overall China business.
Prior to joining LGT Capital Partners in 2010, Ms. Zhou was with CDH Investments, a leading Chinese private equity manager, based in Beijing. Prior to CDH Investments, Ms. Zhou spent her career at Bain & Company in Shanghai, as well as Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California.
Ms. Zhou earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ms. Zhou grew up in Shanghai and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
LGT Capital Partners is a leading institutional alternative asset and fund of funds manager, currently managing over USD 100 billion AuM on a global basis and over 600 private equity professionals worldwide. The firm is headquartered in Pfäffikon, Switzerland (near Zurich) and has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney, New York, Dublin, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vaduz and Dubai.

周冰茹女士 LGT Capital Partners 合伙人

周冰茹女士是LGT Capital Partners 的合伙人,领导LGT Capital Partners在亚洲的私募股权二级市场 (PE secondaries)的投资业务,并负责公司中国市场的业务。 
LGT Capital Partners 在机构另类资产和母基金管理方面表现优异,目前在全球管理1000亿美元的資金LGT Capital Partners 拥有一支600 多名专业人士所组成的团队。公司总部设在瑞士苏黎世附近的 Pfäffikon,在香港、北京、东京、悉尼、纽约、罗利、都柏林、伦敦、巴黎、瓦杜茲、法兰克福、迪拜均设有办公室。 
在2010 年加入LGT Capital Partners 之前,周女士曾分别在鼎晖投资担任副总裁,贝恩公司担任资深咨询顾问,甲骨文公司担任资深产品经理。 


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Mr. Calvin Chou, Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Invesco Real Estate

Calvin Chou is the Co-Chief Investment Officer and the Head of Invesco Real Estate in Asia Pacific.
Calvin began his investment career in 1998 and joined Invesco Real Estate in 2015. Prior to joining Invesco, he was the head of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing (MSREI) for Greater China and Southeast Asia since 2006. Calvin worked for Morgan Stanley from 1998 to 2015 in New York, Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Based in Asia since 2000, Calvin has extensive experience in all phases of real estate investing across the Asia Pacific region and has worked with many of the leading local operators and fund managers in the region. Calvin has served as an executive board member of the Asian Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles (ANREV), co-chair of the Real Asset committee of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA) and a member of the Urban Land Institute in Hong Kong.
Calvin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a member of the Global Executive Committee and serves as chairman of both Asian Executive Committee and Asian Investment Committee of Invesco Real Estate.

周景国先生 景顺房地产董事总经理,亚太区主管兼联席首席投资官

周先生于1998年开始投资生涯并于2015年加入景顺房地产。在此之前,他自2006年起担任摩根士丹利房地产投资(MSREI)大中华及东南亚地区主管。他于1998至2015年在摩根士丹利的纽约,新加坡,上海和香港公司工作。他于2000年搬迁至亚洲,曾与该区众多卓越的当地运营商和基金经理合作, 在亚太区房地产投资的各个领域均拥有丰富经验。他是亚洲非上市房地产投资协会(ANREV)的执行董事会成员,香港风险投资和私募股权协会(HKVCA)的房产委员会副主席和香港城市土地学会(ULI)的成员。


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Mr. Conrad Tsang, Founder & Chairman Strategic Year Holdings

Mr Tsang has been in the private equity and venture capital industry for over 20 years. Mr Tsang’s industry experience includes: environmental technologies, healthcare, education and professional services, TMT, financial services, retail and consumer products/services, advanced manufacturing, automotive, ecommerce/logistics, energy and alternative energy, real estate, natural resources/mining etc. The companies he has been involved with include Noah Education Holdings Limited, Minsheng Education Group (1569.HK), Galloping Horse Media Group Limited, Kangda International Environmental Protection Holding Limited (6136.HK), Pansoft Group Limited, Ambow Education, Hidili Industry International Development Limited (1393.HK), Launch Tech Co Ltd (2488.HK), Great Wall Auto (2333.HK, 601633.CN), Nord Anglia Education, China Mini-Storage, Teky Holdings, Carsome, Cakap, Sayurbox, Halodoc, Haus!, Buyandship, AMPD Energy. Prior to founding Strategic Year Holdings Limited, he spent 13 years at Baring Private Equity Asia (“Baring Asia”), where he was Managing Director. He was the Founding Partner of Baring Asia’s Beijing office. Prior to that, he was with Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific doing equity research, focusing on media and retail sectors. Since 2016, he became Founder and Chairman of Strategic Year Holdings Limited.
Mr Tsang is currently President and Director of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA). Previously, he was Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association’s Chairman of the Board (2013-2015). He was voted one of “The 50 Best Venture Capitalists in China” by Forbes China Magazine (2008, 2009). Mr Tsang is a Member of Oxford Investment Opportunity Network (OION), Member of Imperial College Investor Network, and Member of Hong Kong Cyberport Investor Network (CIN). He was also invited to serve as Asia Senior Advisor of Apollo Education Group/Apollo Global, a global higher-education company.
Mr Tsang obtained a Master’s Degree in Management Studies at University of Oxford, United Kingdom; and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (First Class Honors) at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, United Kingdom. He also completed an executive program on Private Equity and Venture Capital at Harvard Business School, US.
Personal Awards:
CBN Weekly, “2011-2012 Most Valuable Partners 50 in China”
Forbes China Magazine, “2008,2009, The 50 Best Venture Capitalists in China”
Top Capital Magazine, “2008 The Best PE Investor of The Year”
China Most Valuable Venture Enterprises Awards, “2008 The Best PE Investor”
Zero2IPO Group, “2007, 2009, Top 10 PE Capitalists in China”
World Eminence Chinesebusiness Association, “Top 100 Most Visionary Chinese Investors (2007, 2008)”
China Venture Group, “2008 The Top 30 PE Investors of The Year”


曾光宇先生 策年控股有限公司创始人及董事长

曾先生在金融业从业超过23 年。曾先生的行业投资经验包括:教育及专业服务,房地产,天然资源/矿业,汽车,医疗,消费品,物流,通讯媒体,环保产品及服务,能源及新能源,金融服务等。其管理或参与过的被投资企业包括康达环保产业集团(6136.HK),诺亚舟教育,民生教育集团(1569.HK),小马奔腾传媒控股,普联软件,恒鼎实业(1393.HK),元征科技(2488.HK),长城汽车(2333.HK, 601633.CN),Nord Anglia Education,中国迷你仓,Teky Holdings, Carsome, Cakap, Sayurbox, Halodoc,Haus!, Buyandship, AMPD Energy 等。
在创立策年控股有限公司以前,曾先生于霸菱亚洲投资出任董事总经理,并为霸菱亚洲北京办事处的创始合伙人。在90 年代,曾先生曾任职于美国美林集团亚太区负责股票研究,专注于媒体和零售行业。此前任职于百富勤投资集团,负责定息债券销售推广。
曾先生现任香港创业及私募投资协会(HKVCA)会长,中国委员会联席主席。此前,曾先生曾担任香港创业及私募投资协会(HKVCA)董事局主席(2013-2015 年度)。曾先生现时为英国牛津大学Oxford Investment Opportunity Network (OION)会员, 英国帝国理工学院 Imperial College Investor Network 会员,以及香港数码港投资者网络(CIN)会员。在创办策年控股有限公司以前,曾先生曾担任美国阿波罗教育集团亚洲高级顾问。
曾先生毕业于英国牛津大学(University of Oxford)管理学硕士,并于英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)取得电力及电子工程学士学位(一等荣誉)。曾先生也于美国哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)修读股权投资及创业投资行政课程。
《第一财经周刊》“2012 年最佳合伙人50 强”
《福布斯中国》杂志 “2008 年,2009 年中国最佳创业投资人50 强”
《投资与合作》杂志“2008 年度最佳私募股权投资人”
中国创业投资价值榜,“2008 年度最佳PE 投资人”
清科集团“2007 年,2009 年中国私募股权投资家10 强”
世界杰出华商协会 “最具眼光的100 位华人投资家(2007,2008)”
投中集团“2008 年度最佳私募股权投资人30 强”



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Ms. Rebecca Xu, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Asia Alternatives

Rebecca Xu is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of Asia Alternatives. Ms. Xu splits her time between Asia Alternatives’ Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong offices. Ms. Xu is on the Firm’s Investment Committee and co-leads Asia Alternatives’ investments in growth and venture capital funds, focusing most of her time on Asia Alternatives’ China investments.
Prior to starting Asia Alternatives, Ms. Xu was a Senior Investment Officer at the Funds Group of the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”), the private sector investment arm of the World Bank Group. There, she had the primary responsibility of leading IFC’s fund investing and portfolio supervision in Asia for over six years. Previously, Ms. Xu also worked at McKinsey & Co, Inc. (Washington D.C.) and HSBC (Hong Kong).
Ms. Xu received an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing, China. Ms. Xu is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Ms. Xu currently serves on the Advisory Boards for a number of Asia Alternatives’ China and India private equity funds. In addition, she serves as the Chairwoman of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA) and on the Board of the Chun Hui Bo’ai Children’s Foundation. Ms. Xu is a member of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance.


徐红江女士 Asia Alternatives 创始合伙人兼董事总经理

徐红江 (Rebecca Xu) 女士是Asia Alternatives的创始合伙人、董事总经理兼北京和上海办事处负责人, 于北京、上海、香港三地办事处办公。徐女士是公司投资委员会成员并主要负责公司在亚洲成长型基金方面的投资,她的大部分精力专注于领导公司在大中华区的投资和业务。
创建Asia Alternatives之前,徐女士曾在世界银行集团的私营投资机构 – 国际金融公司(“IFC”)工作超过六年。任职期间,她担任高级投资经理,主要负责管理IFC在亚洲地区的基金投资。加盟IFC之前,徐女士曾分别在麦肯锡(华盛顿特区)和香港汇丰银行任职。


徐女士目前担任Asia Alternatives所投资的多只中国和印度私募股权基金的咨询委员会委员。此外,徐女士还担任香港创业及私募投资协会(HKVCA)董事会执行主席,及春晖博爱儿童救助公益基金会理事会理事。徐女士是香港金融学院会员。



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Mr. Christopher Hui, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, HKSAR Government

Mr Hui has been Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury since 2020. He serves on the boards of Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited, Hong Kong Airport Authority and also as the Chairman of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation.
He was an Administrative Officer in the Government from 1999 to 2003 and served in the Economic Development Branch, the Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing and the Home Affairs Department. After leaving the Government, Mr Hui spent 13 years at the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, having been the Managing Director for Market Development and Head of Project Management and also in various senior roles in Listing and Market Development. He worked for a number of multi-national companies in the private sector as well. He was appointed the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council from 2019 to 2020.
Mr Hui previously held a number of public roles including Councillor of the City University of Hong Kong, Member of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority Process Review Panel, Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Review Committee and also Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Disciplinary Panel.
Mr Hui holds Bachelor and Master (Hon) Degrees in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford, and Master of Business Administration Degree from INSEAD. He also attended the Stanford Executive Programme (SEP).

许正宇先生 香港特别行政区政府财经事务及库务局局长



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Dr. Fred Hu, Founder, Primavera Capital Group

Fred is Primavera Capital Group’s Founder, Chairman, and CEO. He oversees the firm’s overall strategy, talent development, and culture, and assumes the primary responsibilities in establishing and maintaining the firm’s long-term partnerships with global investors. Fred chairs Primavera’s Investment Committee. He initiated and led investment transactions such as Alibaba Group, Cainiao Smart Logistics Network, Ant Group, Yum China, ByteDance, Xpeng Inc., Kuaishou Technology, SenseTime, and Mead Johnson Greater China.
Prior to forming Primavera, Fred was Partner and Chairman of Greater China at Goldman Sachs and a member of Goldman’s Partnership Committee. He previously served as an economist at the International Monetary Fund. He also served on the Hong Kong Government’s Strategic Development Committee and the Advisory Committee for the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, and was an independent director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited.
Fred is currently the non-executive chairman of Yum China Holdings Inc. and serves on the boards of ICBC and UBS Group AG. In addition, he is a member of the The Nature Conservancy’s global Board of Directors and the co-chair of its Asia Pacific Council, a trustee of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and the China Medical Board, a member of the HKEX Mainland China Advisory Group, the Global Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business at Columbia University, Harvard Kennedy School’s Dean’s Leadership Council and Harvard University’s Global Advisory Council.
Fred holds a Master in Engineering Science from Tsinghua University and a Master and PhD in Economics from Harvard University.

胡祖六博士 春华资本集团创始人



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Mr. Joe Chang, Principal, Primary Fund Investments, AlpInvest Partners

Joe is a Principal in the Primary Fund Investments team where he is responsible for sourcing, evaluating and executing fund opportunities in Asia. Before joining AlpInvest, he was head of Private Investments – Asia at Lockheed Martin Investment Management Company. Prior to that, Joe was with Mercer Investments as chief representative for its Asia private markets business and previously he held direct investment roles at EQT Partners and Sumitomo Corporation. Joe graduated from University of Michigan with a B.B.A. degree in finance and accounting.


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Ms. Shirley Ma, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Equity , APG Asset Management Asia


马锡怡女士 荷兰汇盈投资亚洲有限公司亚太区私募投资高级基金经理

Shirley Ma is a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Private Equity team of APG Asset Management, based in Hong Kong. She leads APG’s Private Equity efforts in Asia Pacific.

Prior to joining APG, Shirley was a Director of Private Equity Asia at MetLife. She was a member of the Alternative Investments Unit investment committee and represented MetLife on a number of fund advisory boards. Before relocating to Hong Kong in 2014, Shirley spent seven years in London with MetLife where she focused on sourcing, selection, implementation and monitoring for private equity fund investments in Asia and Europe. Prior to MetLife, Shirley was an auditor in PricewaterhouseCoopers in London and Ernst & Young in Hong Kong.

Shirley holds a master’s degree in International Banking from the University of Birmingham and a bachelor’s degree in Surveying from the University of Hong Kong. She is also a CFA charterholder.



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Mr. Joseph Zeng, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer, Arcadia Fund

Mr. Zeng is the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Arcadia Fund Management Group, which manages a fund investing into equities and convertible bonds placed by companies listed or to be listed in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

Before founding Arcadia Fund at the end of 2022, Mr. Zeng was the head of Greenwoods Asset Management’s Hong Kong Office. Before joining Greenwoods HK in 2008, Mr. Zeng was a Vice President at JPMorgan’s investment banking department, focusing on the IPOs and mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions, including Chinese banks, insurers, and fund managers. Prior to moving to the investment banking department, Mr. Zeng was an equity analyst with JPMorgan’s equity research department, co-covering Chinese banks and securities firms.
Mr. Zeng graduated with a Master of Science degree in Accounting & Finance from the London School of Economics, where he received the Robert Fleming scholarship.
Also Mr. Zeng attended the Master of International Finance program of the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China (GSPBC, now the PBC Graduate School of Tsinghua University), and holds a B.A. degree in International Finance from Wuhan University.
Mr. Zeng is a Vice Chairman of the China Committee of HKVCA (The Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association/香港创业及私募投资协会). He is also a director of the board of Tsinghua University’s Hong Kong Alumni Association. And he was the chairman of GSPBC’s alumni association in the North America and Hong Kong, respectively.

曾晓松先生 奥恺基金董事长及投资总监

奥恺基金管理集团董事长、投资总监,管理基金投资于在香港、东南亚上市的绩优公司通过定向增发发行的股票、可转换债券、pre-IPO 等。
在 2022 年底创立奥恺基金前,曾先生是一家大中华私募基金管理公司-景林资产管理香港公司的主管。此前他先后在摩根大通投资银行担任股票分析师和投资银行部副总裁,专注于中国上市的银行、证券公司、保险公司和基金公司的上市和并购工作。
曾晓松先生本科毕业于武汉大学国际金融系,之后在中国人民银行研究生部(现清华大学五道口金融学院)国际金融专业深造,后在伦敦政治经济学院 (LSE)会计与金融学系留学,获理学硕士学位和罗伯特-富林明奖学金。
曾先生具有 CFA 专业资格,并担任香港创业及私募投资协会(HKVCA)中国内地委员会副主席。他还是清华大学香港校友会理事,并曾担任中国人民银行研究生部北美校友会和香港校友会会长。


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Mr. Leon Meng, Founding Managing Partner & Chairman, Ascendent Capital Partners

Mr. Meng is the founding Managing Partner and Chairman of Ascendent Capital Partners, a private equity firm managing capital for global renowned institutional investors. Prior to Ascendent, Mr. Meng was a Managing Director of D. E. Shaw & Co., where he was a global partner and the leader of the firm’s Asian investment office. He also founded and was CEO of its highly successful private equity business in Greater China. Previously, Mr. Meng was a Managing Director and Co-head of China at JPMorgan, in charge of its Asia M&A and China investment banking activities. Mr. Meng began his career in the mid 1990s as an M&A specialist and was a Vice President at Credit Suisse First Boston based in New York.
Mr. Meng earned his MPPM with distinctions from the Yale School of Management, where he is a Donaldson Fellow and a Global Advisory Board member. He cofounded the nonprofit Yale University Emotional Intelligence China Fund and is a member of the Yale University Beijing Center Global Advisory Committee. Mr. Meng is an advisory board member of the Harvard Kennedy School Mossavar-Rahmani Center and a founding council member of the Future Forum, a nonprofit organization promoting science and technology. He is also a member of YPO Hong Kong Chapter.


孟亮先生 上达资本创始管理合伙人及主席

孟先生是上达资本的创始管理合伙人及主席。上达资本专注于私募股权投资,管理全球知名机构投资者的资金。创办上达之前,孟先生曾经担任德劭集团 (D. E. Shaw & Co.) 的董事总经理和全球合伙人,创立并全权负责其亚洲投资总部。在此期间,孟先生创办了德劭集团的大中华区私募股权投资业务并兼任首席执行官。此前,孟先生曾任摩根大通的董事总经理及中国区联席主管,负责亚洲的并购业务以及中国投资银行业务。孟先生的金融职业生涯始于90年代中期,他曾任瑞士信贷第一波士顿 (Credit Suisse First Boston) 纽约办公室专注并购的副总裁。

孟先生获得耶鲁大学管理学院的工商管理硕士学位,目前是全球顾问委员会成员,并且担任Donaldson学者。他联合创办了非营利性机构耶鲁大学中国情商基金会,并且是耶鲁北京中心全球顾问委员会的成员。孟先生亦是哈佛大学肯尼迪学院Mossavar-Rahmani中心的国际咨询委员会成员。同时,孟先生是未来论坛 (促进科学和科技研究的非营利性组织) 的创始理事和世界青年总裁组织 (YPO) 的成员。



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Mr. Yan Yang, Managing Director & Head of APAC Investment, BlackRock Private Equity Partners

Yan Yang, M.D., CFA, CAIA, Managing Director, is Head of APAC Investment of BlackRock Private Equity Partners (PEP). Mr. Yang is a member of PEP Global Executive Committee, PEP Global Investment Committee and Investment Committee of BlackRock APAC Private Credit Fund. He also leads account coverage for several major institutional clients of PEP in the region. With a background in medicine, Mr. Yang plays an important role in PEP's global healthcare investment strategy.
Prior to joining BlackRock in 2011, Mr. Yang had worked at China Investment Corporation in Beijing where he was covering primary PE funds, direct co-investments and secondary investments globally, with a focus on developed markets. Prior to CIC, Mr. Yang worked at GE Asset Management and managed U.S. private equity assets, both funds and co-investments, for the GE Pension Trust. Mr. Yang started his career at GE Healthcare's information technology business.
Mr. Yang is a CFA charter holder and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) member. He holds a MD degree in Clinical Medicine from the Peking Union Medical College, and a MBA from the Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business at the Georgetown University.


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Mr. Jay Li, Founding Partner, Buhuo Ventures

Li Zhujie, Founding Partner of Buhuo Capital, a venture capital firm with a focus on early and growth-stage entrepreneurial companies. Li holds a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University and a master's degree from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, USA.
Prior to founding Buhuo Capital, Li worked as an investment partner at Zhen Fund and co-founded Cellon Communications Technology. With his extensive experience and knowledge, Li manages dual-currency funds denominated in US dollars and Chinese yuan, with a total management size exceeding 2 billion yuan.
Under Li's leadership, Buhuo Capital has invested in many successful enterprises, including Waterdrop Inc. (Nasdaq: WDH), Giga Cloud(Nasdaq: GCT), Guoquan, New Carzone, Zhujiao, Tasting, and Zhongneng Union. Li is widely recognized in the venture capital industry for his investment insights and ability to identify promising startups.

李祝捷先生 不惑创投 创始合伙人

李祝捷,不惑创投创始合伙人. 李祝捷拥有清华大学学士学位,美国明尼阿波利斯设计学院硕士学位。此前任前真格基金投资合伙人以及赛龙通信联合创始人。


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Mr. Wayne Shiong, Founding Partner, China Growth Capital


熊伟铭先生 华创资本创始合伙人

Wayne Shiong is a Founding Partner at China Growth Capital (“CGC”), a Beijing-based early and seed venture investor with over $1 billion under management.
Wayne leads frontier technologies and life science investments at the firm. His portfolio includes PlusDrive, WeRide, Innovusion / Seyond, DeePhi (sold to NASDAQ: XLNX), Biren Technologies, Nreal / Xreal, Landspace Aerospace, and Singleron etc.
Wayne was a partner at Bertelsmann Asia Investments (a.k.a BAI Capital) with deal leadership in iClick (NASDAQ: ICLK), Mogujie (NYSE: MOGU), Douban and domob (sold to BlueFocus SZSE 300058) etc.
Prior to BAI, Wayne was a partner at WI Harper Group, a cross border early stage investor in technology and healthcare where he worked on Maxthon, Go Mobile (NASDAQ: GOMO), Mapbar (sold to NavInfo SZSE: 002405 ), ChIVD (STAR: 688468), Edan Instrument (SZSE: 300206), Cnano Technologies (STAR: 688116) and VeriSilicon (STAR: 688521).
Wayne started his investment career at Piper Jaffray's China Internet equity research team. Prior to public equity, he co-founded a Bluetooth start-up and headed business development. Wayne grew up in Beijing with a major in Economics from Peking University.


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Mr. Hongwei Chen, Partner, Forebright Capital Asia (“FCAP”)

Mr Chen is a Partner at FCAP, one of the leading enterprise technology investors based in Asia. FCAP focuses on investment themes in the secular trends of digital transformation, industrial automation, and an intelligent connected world, with an approach to foster long-term value creation through collaborative partnerships with founders and operators. Mr Chen has over 13 years of PE investment experience in Asia, including managing investments at the Carlyle Group and Tencent. Before relocating to Asia, he started his career as a CPA and an Associate at Goldman Sachs in New York. He received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

陈宏伟先生 FCAP合伙人

陈先生是亚洲知名的科技投资机构FCAP的合伙人。FCAP主要关注受益于数字化转型、工业自动化、以及智能化、网联化等长期趋势的投资机会,投资理念注重通过与企业创始人及管理团队的合作伙伴关系来创造长期价值。陈先生在亚洲有超过13年的PE投资经验,此前曾在凯雷集团、腾讯等机构管理投资。在亚洲工作以前,他曾在纽约担任注册会计师和在高盛就职。 陈先生曾在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院取得了工商管理硕士学位。


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Mr. Mingming Huang, Founding Partner, Future Capital Discovery Fund


黃明明先生 明势资本创始合伙人

Key Deals: Li Auto, Autohome, Niu Technologies, Narwal Robotics, Kujiale, PingCAP, Minimax
Mingming has built a strong reputation as an early-stage investor, serial entrepreneur, and engineer. He founded Future Capital Discovery Fund, an early-stage venture fund specializing in enterprise service and high-tech sectors in China, in 2014. He has since established a track record in identifying high potential start-ups and creating industry-leading companies. He was the first institutional investor in Li Auto (NASDAQ: LI) at its angel round, and saw the company grow to more than $30 billion in value. Other “first-check” investments led by Mingming include Niu Technologies (NASDAQ: NIU), Newborn Town (9911.HK), Sensors Data, and Narwal.
Prior to Future Capital, Mingming was an early participant in China’s burgeoning start-up ecosystem both as a serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He built successful companies that were later acquired by Google and Alibaba. He invested in a number of highly successful start-ups including Autohome Inc. (NYSE: ATHM), XD Inc. (2400.HK) and Kujiale. He began his career at Hewlett-Packard, Siebel Systems and PeopleSoft.
Mingming previously served as the Independent Director of Kingsoft Corporation, as well as Board Member for Li Auto and Niu Technologies.
Mingming received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University and an MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business.


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Mr. Robert Chang, Founder and Managing Partner, GenBridge Capital

Robert Chang is the Founder and Managing Partner at GenBridge Capital, an independent China's leading consumer growth capital firm armed with e-commerce platform, focusing on mega themes of the new generation of national brands and the new generation of national chains. GenBridge strives to drive long-term growth in its portfolio companies through in-depth consumer insights and data-driven methodology, with the mission of empowering China's next generation of consumer champions.
Robert has over 18 years of consumer-focused private equity experience. Prior to founding GenBridge Capital in 2016, he was the Head of Corporate Development at JD Group. Prior to that, he was a Principal of Capital Today, where he was involved in a wide variety of successful investments in e-commerce and technology, including and Ganji between 2006 and 2013.

常斌先生 启承资本创始合伙人



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Mr. Jeff Cao, Managing Director, Hidden Hill Capital

Jeff Cao is a Managing Director at Hidden Hill Capital overseeing its USD fund. Jeff has 15 years of experience in private equity and investment banking. Before joining Hidden Hill, he was a Managing Director at Starquest Capital. Prior to that he worked at the Executive Vice Chairman’s Office of Alibaba Group and Morgan Stanley holding senior investment roles.
Jeff holds an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and BA degree from Peking University.

Jeff Cao先生 隐山资本董事总经理

Jeff Cao 是隐山资本的董事总经理,负责投资管理其美元基金。Jeff 在私募股权和投资银行领域拥有 15 年的经验。在加入隐山资本之前,他曾在星界资本任职董事总经理;在此之前,他曾在阿里巴巴集团的执行副主席办公室和摩根士丹利担任高级投资职位。
Jeff 拥有美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院的工商管理硕士学位和北京大学文学学士学位。


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Mr. JP Gan, Founding Partner, INCE Capital

JP Gan is a Founding Partner of INCE Capital. With over 24 years of experience in venture capital, Mr. Gan has been ranked a top venture capitalist worldwide by the Forbes Midas List for seven consecutive years and was No.5 on the global list in 2019. He has been named a top venture capitalist in Asia and China by multiple media and institutions including CB Insights / New York Times, Fortune Magazine, AVCJ, Zero2IPO, ChinaVenture, and 36Kr.
Focusing on Internet, consumer and intelligent technologies sectors, Mr. Gan’s successful investments include Group Ltd. (NASDAQ: TCOM, HKEX: 9961, a director since 2002), Bilibili Inc. (NASDAQ: BILI, HKEX: 9626, a director since 2015), (merged with Meituan, HKEX: 3690), (acquired by ByteDance and became TikTok), Meitu Inc. (HKEX: 1357),, PPS Inc and ATL.
Prior to founding INCE Capital, Mr. Gan had been a Managing Partner and member of the investment committee of Qiming Venture Partners for 13 years. He started his venture capital career at the Carlyle Group in 2000 and was a Director and founding member of its Asian venture fund. He also worked at KongZhong Corporation, Merrill Lynch, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Mr. Gan holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a BBA from the University of Iowa. He is a member of the Chicago Booth Council and Polsky Center Council.

甘剑平先生 渶策资本创始合伙人

甘剑平(JP Gan)是渶策资本的创始合伙人。他具有逾二十四年的风险投资经验,已连续七年入选《福布斯》杂志评选的“全球最佳创投人”榜单,并于2019年高居全球第5位。他多年来还被CB Insights与《纽约时报》、《财富》杂志、AVCJ、清科集团、投中网、36氪等多家国内外深具影响力的专业媒体和机构评为亚洲和中国地区的最佳创业投资人。
甘先生专注于互联网消费及智能科技领域的投资,他的经典投资案例包括:携程网(NASDAQ: TCOM,HKEX: 9961,自2002年起担任董事会独立董事)、哔哩哔哩(NASDAQ: BILI,HKEX: 9626,自2015年起担任董事会独立董事)、大众点评(后与美团合并为美团点评,HKEX: 3690)、后被字节跳动收购成为抖音)、美图公司(HKEX: 1357)、世纪佳缘、PPS及ATL等。


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Mr. Lane Zhao, Founder and CEO, InnoVision Capital

Lane Zhao founded InnoVision Capital, the next-generation private equity firm in Asia, in 2016, and has been focusing on investing in the most promising future growth ESG space, primarily green energy / clean tech, food security and healthcare sectors in Asia for more than 20 years with strong and proven track records.
Since the founding of InnoVision Capital, Lane has invested in many successful companies with globally advanced technologies, strong product capabilities, and leading market positions both in China and internationally, e.g. Beike, JD Logistics, Lvkon, Eswin, Neurophth, Channel Soft, CATUG Biotechnology, iCamuno Biotherapeutics, 58 Group, Butel, Kedu Healthcare, China Securities, WuXi AppTec, Wanhua Chemical, Kuaishou Technology.
Lane has been dedicated to ESG investment since his time at KKR as one of the founding stage members of the Asia business from 2006 to 2016. In 2011, Lane pioneered KKR’s first ESG investment in Asia, i.e. – United Envirotech, a leading Membrane-based Integrated Environmental Solutions Provider headquartered in Singapore. Prior to InnoVision Capital, Lane has led or played significant roles in many successful investments including United Envirotech, Mengniu, Modern Diary, Far East Horizon, Ping An Insurance, BeLLE, CICC, etc.
Lane graduated from the Fundamental Science Experimental Class at Tsinghua University and was honored as an outstanding graduate.

赵福先生 知一投资创始人、CEO

赵福先生于 2016 年创办亚洲新生代PE代表机构—知一投资,并拥有 20 年专注于 ESG、绿色经济领域的私募股权成功投资经验。带领团队深度挖掘具有巨大发展潜力的 ESG、绿色经济时代绿色低碳、粮食安全、生命科学领域的投资机会。
自知一投资成立以来,赵福先生投资了众多拥有全球领先技术、强大产品能力、国内及国际领先市场地位的龙头企业,包括贝壳集团、京东物流、绿控传动、奕斯伟计算、纽福斯、青牛软件、楷拓生物、艾凯生物、58 集团、红云融通、柯渡医学、中信建投、药明康德、万华化学、快手等。
赵福先生曾于2006-2016年任职于KKR亚洲,是 KKR 亚洲业务创始时期团队成员及大中华区核心高管之一,领导了KKR在亚洲的第一个ESG、绿色经济领域的成功投资项目—总部位于新加坡的全球领先的污水处理膜技术企业联合环境。在创立知一投资前,赵福先生在其职业生涯中领导并作为核心团队成员完成了众多成功大型项目的投资,如联合环境、蒙牛乳业、现代牧业、远东宏信、平安保险、百丽时尚、中金公司等。


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Mr. King Leung, Global Head of Financial Services and Fintech, InvestHK

As the Global Head of Financial Services and Fintech at InvestHK, the department of the Hong Kong SAR Government responsible for attracting Foreign Direct Investment, King’s mission is to enrich the ecosystem and contribute to raising the long-term competitiveness and innovation of the financial services sector in Hong Kong. King achieves this goal through collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders – regulators, financial institutions, investors, fintech companies, associations, etc. in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and other major international financial and fintech hubs.
Prior to joining the government, King had a diverse private sector background as a serial tech entrepreneur, angel investor, fintech lecturer where his first data-related startup was established through seed investment from Credit Suisse. His startup served numerous world-renowned financial institutions in wealth management, insurance, personal finance, etc. Prior to embarking on his entrepreneurial journey, King was a management consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton and KPMG Consulting in the US, as well as a venture capitalist at Innovate@, a technology fund jointly run by Booz Allen & Hamilton and Lehman Brothers in the US.
King received his MBA in Finance and Strategy (honors) from the University of Chicago and BSc in Mechanical Engineering (honors) from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

梁瀚璟先生 投资推广署金融服务及科技环球总裁

梁瀚璟先生带领香港特别行政区投资推广署的金融服务、金融科技及碳中和团队,深入吸引国际及内地的金融服务、金融科技及碳中和公司来港协助完善金融生态系统,提升香港金融服务业的长期对抗与创新能力做出贡献。梁先生借与金融业的主要伙伴 — 香港、大湾区等主要国际金融及金融科技中心的监管机构、金融机构、投资者、金融科技公司及协会等合作,实现多赢目标。
在加入政府前,梁先生曾作为科技公司的连续创业者、天使投资者和金融科技讲师而活跃。他的第一家与数据相关的初创公司是透过瑞士信贷集团 Credit Suisse 初期投资成立,直接服务多家著名金融机构,包括财富管理、保险及消费金融等。在踏上创业之旅前,梁瀚璟先生亦曾在美国Booz Allen & Hamilton 和毕马威咨询公司担任企业管理顾问,以及作为由Booz Allen & Hamilton 和雷曼兄弟Lehman Brothers 共同运营的美国科技基金Innovate@ 的风险投资者。
梁瀚璟先生持有芝加哥大学金融与策略工商管理硕士(荣誉)学位及威斯康星州 - 麦迪逊大学机械工程学士(荣誉)学位。


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Dr. Tao Yu, Principal, LAV

Tao is a Principal at LAV Fund, responsible for investments across multiple healthcare sectors, including innovative drugs, medtech, and AI/robotics. Prior to LAV, Tao was an Engagement Manager and a core member of the Healthcare Practice at McKinsey Greater China. Before joining McKinsey, Tao was an Investment Fellow at Hatteras Venture Partners, a US VC firm dedicated to healthcare investment.
Tao received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University, and B.S. in Biology and Economics from the Peking University.

余涛博士 LAV基金执行董事

余涛博士是LAV基金的一名执行董事,负责多个医疗板块的投资,包括创新药、创新医疗器械、以及与AI/机器人相关的健康医疗应用。在加入LAV之前,余博士是麦肯锡公司的项目经理,是麦肯锡大中华区健康医疗组核心成员之一。此前,余博士曾在美国健康医疗基金Hatteras Venture Partners担任投资研究员。


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Mr. Steven Tran, Partner, Morrison Foerster | 美富律师事务所 合伙人

Steven Tran is a PE partner based in Morrison Foerster’s Singapore office. He has extensive experience advising global and regional sponsors and their portfolio companies, as well as multinational corporations operating in the Asia Pacific region, on their complex multi-jurisdictional PE and M&A transactions. He is active on deals across all of Southeast Asia, and focuses on the Consumer, Industrials, Business Services, Technology and Real Estate sectors.
Steven is highly regarded by clients as “one of the best PE/M&A lawyers in town, with a work ethic and passion for his clients that is second to none.” He is described as “hands-on, commercial and immensely knowledgeable about all aspects of M&A and private equity” and “always on top of the key issues.” Clients also comment that Steven has “impeccable client service and responsiveness.”
Based in Asia for over 22 years, Steven has worked in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney.
Steven Tran律师是美富律师事务所新加坡办事处的私募股权合伙人。他经常就复杂的跨境私募股权交易和并购交易,向全球和地区性私募股权基金及其投资组合公司,以及在亚太地区经营的跨国公司提供法律服务,经验丰富。Tran律师活跃于整个东南亚的交易,尤其专注于消费品、工业、商业服务、技术和房地产领域。
Tran律师被客户盛赞为“本地区最好的私募股权/并购律师之一,对客户的职业道德和激情无出其右” 。客户称他“做事亲力亲为,富有商业头脑,对并购和私募股权的各个方面都非常了解”,并“始终掌控关键问题”。另一客户称Tran律师的“客户服务和响应能力无可挑剔”。


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Mr. Ian Zhu, Managing Partner, NIO Capital

Mr. Ian Zhu is a founding member of NIO Capital and played a key role in building the firm’s investment team, setting up its venture and growth funds, and establishing its operations. His investment focus includes smart electric vehicles, low carbon energy networks, mobility and logistics services and manufacturing innovations. He led NIO Capital’s investments in CATL (SZSE: 300750), Ronbay (SHSE: 688005), Tuhu (SEHK: 9690), Momenta,, Newlinks Technology, Inceptio Technology, Black Sesame Technologies, TrunkTech, Innovusion, and BoCloud, among others.
Mr. Zhu has extensive experience in investment, fund management and business management. Prior to joining NIO Capital, he was a Managing Partner and Investment Committee member of Tsing Capital, where he led investments in Lucid (LCID:NASDAQ), Jing-Jin Electric (SHSE: 688280) and Horizon Robotics. Ian also worked in both start-ups and large technology companies like AT&T, where he managed diverse functions, including sales, business development, engineering and R&D.
Mr. Zhu holds a master’s degree in business administration from Stanford Graduate School of Business and dual bachelor’s degrees in physics and economics from Peking University.

朱岩先生 蔚来资本管理合伙人



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Ms. Nisa Leung, Managing Partner, Qiming Venture Partners

Nisa Leung is Managing Partner of Qiming Venture Partners, leading its health care investments. Qiming Venture Partners is a leading investment firm with over 530 portfolio companies.
She currently sits on the board of Zai Lab (NASDAQ:ZLAB; HKSE:9688), Caidya, Chain Medical Labs, Belief BioMed, Zencore Biologics, Valgen MedTech, Alamar Biosciences among others. Her other investments include Gan & Lee (SSE:603087), New Horizon Health (HKSE:6606), Berry Genomics (SZSE:000710), CITIC Pharma (acquired by Shanghai Pharmaceutical HKSE: 2607), Crown Bioscience (acquired by JSR Life Sciences), Aeonmed Medical, Novast Pharmaceuticals, Nurotron, Origene Technologies (acquired by VCAN Bio SSE:600645), Richen, Vision Pro, MEDx, Cure Genetics, Goodwill (SSE:688246), SinoCellTech (SSE:688520), Sino Biological (SZSE:301047), Apollomics (NASDAQ:APLM), SinoUnited Health, Schrödinger (NASDAQ:SDGR) , Recursion (NASDAQ:RXRX), Insilico Medicine, Structure Therapeutics (NASDAQ:GPCR), Jacobio (HKSE:1167), Hope Medicine, Sinotau, PlusLife among others.
Prior to joining Qiming, she was co-founder of Biomedic Holdings with operations and investments in medical devices, pharmaceuticals and health care services in China including Novamed Pharmaceuticals (acquired by SciClone NASDAQ:SCLN) and U-Systems (acquired by GE Healthcare). Nisa was Venture Partner of PacRim Ventures in Menlo Park, and was previously with Softbank/Mobius Venture Capital. 
Nisa has been recognized by the Forbes Midas List for five consecutive years in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, and named Best Women VCs List by Forbes China (#1 in 2022, #2 in 2021) and Most Powerful Women in Business by Fortune China in 2022 and 2023. 
Nisa earned her MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business and a BS from Cornell University. She is currently visiting lecturer at Harvard Law School, member of Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council and serves as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”), Council Member of China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association (PhIRDA) and Founding Member and Chair of Pharmaceutical Innovation Investment Specialty Committee of PhIRDA. 

梁颕宇女士 启明创投主管合伙人

梁女士目前是再鼎医药(NASDAQ:ZLAB,09688.HK)、康缔亚、千麦医疗、信念医药、臻格生物、德晋医疗、Alamar Biosciences等公司的董事。梁女士的其他投资项目,包括甘李药业(603087.SH)、诺辉健康(06606.HK)、贝瑞基因(000710.SZ)、中信医药(被上海医药收购,02607.HK)、冠科生物(被JSR Life Sciences收购)、谊安医疗、南通联亚、诺尔康、傲锐东源生物科技(被中源協和收购, 600645.SH)、华亘安邦、蕾明视康、迈杰转化医学、克睿基因、嘉和美康(688246.SH)、神州细胞(688520.SH)、义翘神州(301047.SZ)、冠科美博(NASDAQ:APLM)、曜影医疗、Schrödinger(NASDAQ:SDGR)、Recursion(NASDAQ: RXRX)、英矽智能、硕迪生物(NASDAQ:GPCR)、加科思(01167.HK)、和其瑞医药、先通医药及普世利华等。
加入启明创投前,梁女士是生原控股有限公司的合伙创始人。该公司主要在中国运营和投资有关医疗仪器、药品和医疗保健服务的公司,其中包括专门研究肿瘤和中枢神经系统的诺凡麦医药(上海)有限公司(被赛生药业收购,NASDAQ:SCLN)、U-Systems Inc (被通用电气医疗集团收购)。另外,梁女士亦曾于美国加州PacRim风险投资公司担任投资合伙人,及曾就职于Softbank/Mobius 风险投资公司。


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Mr. Michael Li, Managing Director, SS&C GlobeOp

Michael is the Regional Business Head of SS&C GlobeOp covering the Asia Pacific region. Based in Hong Kong, he’s responsible for overall business management and product offerings of the alternative investment servicing business across the region. Michael was part of the core management team who established SS&C’s alternative investments servicing capabilities in 2007.
Prior to joining SS&C, Michael spent numerous years at Deloitte and Arthur Andersen in the assurance practice focused on private equity and venture capital firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. He’s a Certified Public Accountant in the State of California and holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Science from San Francisco State University, majoring in Finance and Banking.


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Mr. Ryan Law, Senior Partner, Harvest Capital

Mr. Ryan Law is a senior partner of Harvest Capital with 18 and 8 years of experience, respectively, in the private equity and investment banking industry. Mr. Law started his career at Morgan Stanley in 1998 and worked in Morgan Stanley's Investment Banking Division and Morgan Stanley Principal Investments for 10 years. Mr. Law joined Mount Kellett Capital in 2008 and subsequently founded GCL Capital. In 2012, Mr. Law rejoined Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia and was a Managing Director and a member of the fund's investment committee before joining Harvest Capital. Mr. Law invested and managed a number of buyout and minority investments including Chando, Xiaocaiyuan, Jinmailang, GCL-Poly Energy, Nature Flooring, Noah Education, Showyu Beauty, and Renfang Medical.

罗永祥先生 加华资本高级合伙人

罗永祥先生现为加华资本高级合伙人,拥有 18 年私募股权投资与 8年投资银行的工作经验。罗先生于 1998 年加入摩根士丹利,曾经在摩根士丹利投资银行部与直接投资部工作10年。2008 年加入奇力资本,之后发起成立协鑫资本。在 2012 年,罗先生重新加入摩根士丹利,在加入加华资本前一直为摩根士丹利亚洲私募基金的董事总经理及投委会成员。罗先生参与投资与管理的项目包括自然堂、小菜园、今麦郎、保利协鑫能源、大自然地板、诺亚舟教育、秀域科技美容、仁方医疗等控股及参股项目。罗先生毕业于美国芝加哥大学,取得经济学学士学位。


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Mr. Gary Chan, Head of Private Equity & Managing Director, SHK & Co.

陈明德先生 新鴻基有限公司私募投资主管兼董事总经理

Gary, heads up the Private Equity team at SHK & Co (“SHK”). SHK is a leader in alternative investments and is headquartered in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 1969, SHK has owned and operated market-leading platforms in Financial Services. SHK invests across public markets, alternatives and real estate and has an established track record of generating long-term value for its shareholders. In recent years, it has extended its strategy to incubate, accelerate and support emerging asset managers in the Asian region. The Private Equity team deploys principal capital across Funds (LP investments), Co-Investments and Direct Investments and they have a global mandate.
Prior to joining SHK & Co, Gary headed up the Alternative Investments team at Mirae Asset where the team deployed principal capital across Venture Capital, Growth Capital and Private Credit. Gary also previously held senior investment banking roles at Macquarie, Barclays and ICBC International.


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Ms. Yu Ren, Managing Director, Investor Relations, CDH Investments

Ren is heading the firm’s investor relations activities across multiple asset classes. Prior to joining CDH in 2009, Ren was a Business Development Manager at Citibank Singapore, where she managed the trade product portfolio for small-medium sized businesses. From 2005 to 2007, Ren was an analyst at DBS Bank where she was responsible for conducting due diligence on funds. Ren received her M.Eng. and B.Eng. from the National University of Singapore.

任宇女士 鼎晖投资董事总经理



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Mr. Richard Li, Chairman, Chenghe Group

Mr. Richard Qi Li is the Chairman of Chenghe Group, an investment holding company. Richard has more than two decades of experience in the financial service industry. He had been the chief investment officer and the chief operating officer of China Great Wall AMC (International) Holdings Ltd. and the chief executive officer of Great Wall Pan Asia Asset Management Ltd., both subsidiaries of China Great Wall Asset Management Co. Ltd., a leading asset management company based in China. Richard was previously a managing director and the head of China securities at Goldman Sachs Asia, and a managing director and the head of north Asia capital markets and treasury solutions at Deutsche Bank Hong Kong. Prior to joining Deutsche Bank, Richard worked at Merrill Lynch, the World Bank, and the Ministry of Finance of the PRC.
Richard obtained a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in economics from Nankai University in China and a master of business administration from Columbia Business School. He was also a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2019.

李琦先生 成和集团董事长



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Ms. Agnes Chen, Regional Managing Director APAC, CSC

Agnes is Regional Managing Director of APAC Region for Fund Services at CSC and Country Managing Director of CSC Singapore. 
Agnes has over 20 years of operational and executive management experience in the Banking, Trust, Wealth Asset Management structures, Compliance and Fund Administration services sector.
Agnes has been recognized for LinkedIn 2018 Power Profiles of the Year for the Financial Industry award and has been on key judging panels for the financial services industry.

陈美云女士 CSC 亚太地区执行董事

陈美云是 CSC 的亚太地区基金管理行政服务的执行董事,同时也是 CSC 新加坡的国家总经理。 
陈美云在银行、信托、财富资产管理结构、合规和基金管理行政服务领域拥有超过 20 年的运营和高管管理经验。
陈美云曾荣获 LinkedIn 2018 年度金融行业年度领英影响力人物奖,并曾担任金融服务行业的关键评审团成员。


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Ms. Monica Tsui, Managing Director, Fung Investment Management Ltd.

Ms. Tsui is Managing Director of Fung Investment Management Ltd., the family office set up for managing the private investments of the families of Dr. Victor Fung and Dr. William Fung, the major shareholders of the Fung Group. Ms. Tsui oversees the investment program which includes investments in private equity and real estate. The family office also provides planning, support, and administrative services to the family members.
Ms. Tsui started her career as a corporate banker at the Chase Manhattan Bank in Hong Kong before she joined the PAMA Group, which was previously the Asian private equity arm of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Ms. Tsui had worked in the private equity industry for 20 years in Hong Kong, Singapore and Toronto before she joined Fung Investment Management Ltd. in January 2008.
Ms. Tsui is a Hong Kong Chinese and is currently based in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Economics degree majoring in finance and international business. She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst.

徐曼玲女士 冯氏投资管理有限公司董事总经理

徐曼玲女士现任为「冯氏投资管理有限公司」董事总经理,负责管理冯国经博士及冯国纶博士 (冯氏集团的主要股东 ) 之家族投资管理公司。徐女士专责管理私摹投资和房地产投资项目,亦为冯氏家族成员提供其他管理服务。
徐女士于2008年1月正式加入冯氏投资管理有限公司之前,曾任职于美国大通银行的香港分行及宝铭集团 (即前美国保诚保险公司亚洲的私摹基金部门) 。徐女士拥有20多年私摹投资经验,曾于香港、新加坡和多伦多等地工作。


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Mr. PV Wang

Managing Director, Legend Capital


PV Wang currently serves as Managing Director of Legend Capital and is responsible for assisting President and CIO in charge of investor relation, business development and other related work for the company.
Prior to Legend Capital, Mr. Wang was the Co-Chief Investment Officer of Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. and was responsible for its private market investments. Mr. Wang was a Partner at Adams Street from 2002 till December 2015. He was involved in formulating the firm’s private equity fund investment strategy for Asia and was a member of its Primary Investment Committee.
Prior to joining Adams Street, he was a Manager in the Global Corporate Finance Division of Arthur Andersen LLP, Investment Manager at Nikko Capital Singapore and Investment Officer at Indosuez Asset Management Singapore.
Mr. Wang is a member of the Singapore CFA Institute and was a founding executive member of the Limited Partners Association of China. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University.


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Mr. David Whyte,
Managing Director, ADM Capital

ADM Capital 董事总经理

David is a Managing Director in the Asia-Pacific direct lending team, a member of the Executive Committee and a voting member of the Investment Advisory Committee.
He oversees sourcing and executing investments in Australia & New Zealand.
Before joining ADM Capital in 2014, KPMG for seven years in their Consumer and Industrial Audit and Capital Markets Division in Hong Kong and Australia. David holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Tasmania, is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a Certificate for ESG Investing from the CFA Institute.
David 是ADM Capital亚太私募信贷投资团队的董事总经理、执委会和投委会的一员,同时也负责在澳大利亚和新西兰的投资。
在 2014 年加入 ADM Capital 之前,David在毕马威香港和澳大利亚的消费者和工业审计及资本市场部门工作了七年。 David 持有塔斯马尼亚大学商业学士学位、澳大利亚特许会计师协会会员、澳大利亚公司董事协会毕业证书,以及CFA 协会颁发的 ESG 投资证书。


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Ms. Poman Lo, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Regal Hotels Group; Founding Managing Partner, AlphaTrio Capital

Ms. Poman Lo is the Vice Chairman of Century City International Holdings Limited and Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Regal Hotels Group. Century City Group comprises a total of five listed entities in Hong Kong, including Century City International Holdings Limited (investment holding), Paliburg Holdings Limited (property development and investment), Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited (hotel operation and management), Regal Real Estate Investment Trust (first hotel REIT in Hong Kong), and Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited (China real estate and investments).
Poman is the Founding Managing Partner of AlphaTrio Capital, an Asia-focused sustainable technology fund empowering the next wave of green tech unicorns to provide disruptive solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.
Poman serves as an Adjunct Professor teaching sustainable business management and impact investing at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. She founded the non-profit Institute of Sustainability and Technology with a mission to nurture the next generation of ESG talent through executive education and advance the sustainability agenda through interdisciplinary research and international conferences. Poman Lo founded the One Earth Summit and One Earth Alliance to unite the most influential leaders in connecting capital to sustainable innovations and kickstarting the global impact revolution. To foster holistic well-being and positive values in children and youths, Poman established Bodhi Love Foundation to provide mindfulness-based training to educators and parents through its SEED (social emotional ethical development) program.
Poman has been officially appointed as Member of Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Expert Group, Member of the Green Technology and Finance Development Committee, Council Member of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Foundation Member of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Member of the Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Academy for Wealth Legacy, Member of the Curriculum Development Council Standing Committee on Values Education, and also serves as the Honorary President of Hong Kong Federation of Women. As a global champion of sustainable development, Poman takes an active leadership role at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). She was appointed Co-Chair of the ESBN Finance Task Force and member of the Executive Committee of ESBN, and serves as Chair of the Asia Pacific Business Forum Organizing Committee and Chair of Asia Pacific Green Deal for Business Committee.
Poman was awarded the Angier B. Duke Scholarship at 15 and graduated summa cum laude with a BA in Psychology from Duke University at 19. She is the only person in Hong Kong history to receive both the “Outstanding Young Person of the World Award” and the “Hong Kong Outstanding Students Award”. She is also the first and only female Asian recipient of the “Oslo Business for Peace Award” by the Business for Peace Foundation in Norway, selected by an independent committee of Nobel Prize Laureates in Peace and Economics. In 2023, she was awarded the “Business Person of the Year Award” at the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards.

罗宝文女士 富豪酒店国际控股有限公司副主席及董事总经理 及 AlphaTrio基金创始及执行合伙人

罗宝文被委任为特首政策组专家组、绿色科技及金融发展委员会、科大校董会成员、香港科技园基金会员、香港财富传承学院咨询委员会、香港课程发展议会价值观教育常务委员会委员、以及香港各界妇女联合协进会名誉会长。作为全球可持续发展的先驱,罗宝文亦于多个国际性组织担任重要职务,当中包括 : 可持续发展企业网络(ESBN)理事及联合国亚洲及太平经济社会委员会(UNESCAP)成员、可持续发展企业网络(ESBN)金融项目组联席主席、可持续发展企业网络(ESBN)亚太经贸论坛筹委会主席、以及Asia Pacific Green Deal for Business 委员会主席。
罗宝文15岁时获发四年期Angier B. Duke奖学金,19岁毕业于美国杜克大学,获心理学一级荣誉文学士学位。她也是香港唯一一位同时获得「世界十大杰出青年」和「香港杰出学生」的得奖者。她亦成为第一位亚洲女性在挪威奥斯陆获颁发「商业促和平奖」 (Business for Peace Award),此奖项是由诺贝尔和平奖和经济学奖的得奖者组成的独立委员会选出。2023年,她在DHL/南华早报香港商业奖中荣获了「商业成就奖」。


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Mr. Yifeng Wang

Head of China, Avenue Capital


Mr. Yifeng Wang is the Head of China at Avenue Capital. He has 20 years of experience in credit investments, with 10 years split between Deutsche Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, and the recent 10 years with Avenue, leading its China investment.
Mr. Wang focuses on both China onshore RMB and offshore USD credit opportunities, including direct lending, special situations, and distressed/non-performing loans (NPLs). He has extensive experience in investing across various sectors, such as manufacturing, utilities, resources, renewables, services, infrastructure, etc.


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Mr. William Yea, Investment Principal, Coller Capital

William is an Investment Principal responsible for origination and execution, and is based in the firm’s Hong Kong office.
Prior to joining Coller Capital in 2011, William was a Financial Accountant at Thames Water.
William has a BA (Hons) from the University of Manchester, an MSc in Finance from London Business School, and an MBA from the University of Oxford. He is a Chartered Management Accountant

William Yea 先生 科勒资本投资主管(香港)



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Mr. Duncan Chiu, HKSAR Legislative Council Member (Technology and Innovation)

Duncan has committed himself to the development of technology and innovation in Hong Kong since early 2000’s. He is an advocate of local Tech and Innovation policies, a tech entrepreneur, a veteran investor and is often regarded as the leading figure in Hong Kong's Tech and Innovation sector.
In 2022, Duncan was elected to the 7th term of the Legislative Council, representing the Technology and Innovation Constituency. He has been diligent in uniting the industry and speaking up for the general public and the long-term development of Hong Kong. He often makes suggestions to the Government on technology development, economic and public health related policies. Many of those have been adopted and followed up by relevant authorities.
Duncan has been a key contributor to Hong Kong's T&I development. He is President of Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council and Convenor of Innovate for Future, a think tank representing some of the leading start-ups. He is also Chairman of HKTDC Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Services Advisory Committee, Chairman of Advisory Committee of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Member of Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Duncan has participated and interested in over 100 technology companies and is an experienced professional investor. He is a frequent speaker at forums to share his insights and also a mentor to young entrepreneurs.
Duncan is also dedicated to community affairs. He is a Member of Hospital Authority, Chairman of its Information Technology Services Committee, and Chairman of Hospital Governing Committee of Kwai Chung Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital.

邱达根先生 香港特别行政区立法会议员 (科技创新界)

• 香港特別行政區立法會議員 (科技創新界) 
• 香港資訊科技聯會會長 
• 智庫「創科未來」召集人 
• 醫院管理局成員 
• 葵涌醫院及瑪嘉烈醫院管治委員會主席 
• 香港壁球總會主席 


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Mr. Jeffrey Lau, Partner & Head of Private Credit and Special Situations, Primavera Capital Group

Jeffrey is Partner and Head of Private Credit and Special Situations at Primavera Capital Group.
Prior to joining Primavera, Jeffrey led and managed private investments in partnership with leading sovereign wealth funds, corporates and family offices. He was an investor and director of Village Roadshow Entertainment Group between 2012 and 2017. Previously, Jeffrey oversaw special situations, structured credit and equity investments in Greater China for Och-Ziff Capital Management Group. Prior to Och-Ziff, Jeffrey worked at The Blackstone Group in New York, and in the Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring Department at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong, Los Angeles and New York.
Jeffrey earned his AB in Social Studies from Harvard University, graduating Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude and as a John Harvard Scholar. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

刘镇鸿先生 春华资本集团信贷投资及特殊机遇业务合伙人及负责人



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Ir. Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group

Ir Andrew YOUNG has over 35 years of executive experience, he heads the innovation function at Sino Group as the Associate Director (Innovation) with the responsibility to explore and identify innovations and technologies for application in the group and explore investment opportunities in technology ventures.
He is a Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and a Chartered Professional Engineer and member of the Institutions of Engineers Australia. He is an Adjunct Professor with The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, The University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. He serves on various committee of different universities such as CUHK, CityU, PolyU, HKBU, etc. He also sits on various position in leading commerce and industry associations, serving as Chairman of Hong Kong Automation Technology Council and AI & Robotics Alliance of Hong Kong, Chairman of Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics, and member of Construction Industry Council, etc.

杨孟璋工程师 信和集团创新联席董事



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Mr. Hiroyuki Natori, Managing Director, SuMi TRUST Hong Kong

Mr. Natori is the Managing Director of SuMi TRUST Hong Kong. He is also a member of the private equity / infrastructure investment committee of SuMi TRUST Hong Kong. Prior to be relocated to Hong Kong, he was responsible for the gatekeeper business of private equity / infrastructure investment based in Tokyo. He was previously engaged in managing mezzanine funds for 8 years at subsidiary firm. He started his career in 1995 as a portfolio manager for Japanese pension funds and held various roles in asset management business. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in International and Comparative Law from Rikkyo university in Japan.
SuMi TRUST Hong Kong is an asset management arm of SuMi Trust Bank, especially focuses on private equity/infrastructure fund investment and provides bespoke gatekeeper service for institutional investor.

名取宽之先生 三井住友信託香港常务董事社长



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Mr. Shuko Anzai 安齋朱晃先生, Regional Head of East Asia & SPEEDA CHINA CEO, Uzabase

Joined Uzabase Hong Kong in 2017. In 2021, appointed to CEO of SPEEDA China. Before joining Uzabase, he was engaged in advertising sales promotion and marketing at Rakuten, Inc.
2017年加入Uzabase香港,2021年被任命为SPEEDA中国首席执行官。加入 Uzabase 之前,在 Rakuten, Inc. 从事广告促销和营销工作。


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Mr. Raymond Chan, Managing Director & Head of APAC Credit, CPP Investments

陈盛恩先生 加拿大养老基金投资公司全球高层董事总经理兼债权投资部主管

Raymond joined CPPIB in October 2019 and leads our Asia credit business. He is the chair of the Asia Credit Committee and a member of our Global Credit Committee. He is the co-chair of the Credit Committee of The HKVCA. Prior to joining CPP Investments, he was a managing director at SSG Capital, responsible for special situations investments and secured lending in Greater China.
Previously, Raymond was the head of Greater China at Intermediate Capital Group, senior fund manager at RAB Capital and head of Asia Asset Management at D.B. Zwirn. He started his career with HSBC, departing as a team head of the Real Estate Sector.
Raymond holds a BSSc in Economics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and an MBA from the EMBA program of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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Ms. Cate Ambrose, CEO, Global Private Capital Association

Cate Ambrose is CEO and Board Member of GPCA. Since joining as CEO of EMPEA in October 2019, she has led the rebranding and reorganization of EMPEA to GPCA.

Cate is a Board Member at the Meli Kaszek Pioneer Corp., a Steering Committee Member of the United Nations Institutional Investor Partnership for Sustainable Development (IIPSD) and on the Advisory Board of the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America (LAVCA). She is also a Board Member for Girls Write Now, a non-profit that mentors underserved young women in New York City.

Prior to joining GPCA, Cate was President and Executive Director of LAVCA. Cate was also previously the Chief of Advocacy for the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, a United Nations initiative where she spearheaded the commission’s work on business regulation and property rights in Africa, MENA, Asia, and Latin America. Until 2005, Cate was Executive Director of Programs for The Economist Group.

Cate speaks and writes regularly on a range of topics related to public policy and private investment in global markets. She is a commentator on Bloomberg, Fox Business and CNN En Español and a guest lecturer at The Wharton School. Cate holds an MPA in International Economic Policy from Columbia University and received her BA from St. Lawrence University and the University of Madrid.



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Mr. John Huo, Managing Director, Manulife Investment Management

霍晓宇先生 宏利金融董事总经理

John focuses on private equity fund commitments and equity co-investments of Manulife’s affiliates including the general account across the Asia-Pacific region. He joined the firm in 2009 and has worked in the private equity group since 2011. John holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.


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Ms. Serena Tan, Deputy Chair of Global Private Funds Group, Morrison Foerster

Serena Tan is the Deputy Chair of Morrison Foerster’s Global Private Funds Group and Chair of Greater China Private Funds practice. She represents global and regional fund managers and institutional investors in the formation of private equity, private credit, and real estate funds. Her practice focuses on both offshore funds (including the Cayman Islands, BVI, Delaware, Luxembourg, Singapore, and Hong Kong) and RMB funds (including QFLP and QDLP funds).
Serena’s diverse practice encompasses advising on fund secondaries transactions such as continuation funds, GP-led restructuring, stapled secondaries, and secondary purchases of limited partner interests. In addition, Serena frequently advises fund managers on arrangements among principals, carried interest plans, and employee co-investments, regulatory and compliance matters, and internal governance matters. She also has deep experience of fund of funds, funds-of-one, separate accounts, and family offices. 
Serena also advises fund managers on the formation of an array of private equity funds (including buyout, growth capital, venture capital, and co-investment funds) and private credit funds across a wide range of sectors, including consumer, financial services, healthcare, technologies, TMT, and travel/leisure.  
Year after year, Serena is widely acknowledged by legal directories as one of the leading private funds partners in Asia. Recent recognition includes being ranked as a leading partner by Chambers Global (2019-2023), Chambers Asia-Pacific (2019-2021), Chambers Greater China (2022-2024), and Legal 500 Asia Pacific (2020-2024). Serena has over 16 years of experience practicing law in New York and China. 

谭矿女士 美富律师事务所全球私募基金业务组副主席



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Ms. Lorna Chen, Co-Managing Partner of Greater China & Regional Co-Head of Funds and Asset Management, CEMA*, A&O Shearman

Lorna has 28 years of experience across the United States, Europe and Asia in the corporate law area, including 24 years in the investment funds and private equity field. She advises clients in the structuring, restructuring, formation and operation of alternative investment products, including private equity funds, venture capital funds, hedge funds, real estate funds, funds of funds, project funds and co-investment structures.
Lorna has extensive experience in cross-border transactions representing top global institutional clients such as the world’s major sovereign wealth funds, wealth management platforms, commercial and policy banks, insurance companies, as well as family offices and start-up companies.
Lorna is a frequent speaker at major regional conferences and is regularly interviewed by the financial media in Asia. She has also been consistently rated a leading lawyer by various independent ranking publications.
*CEMA: Continental Europe, META and APAC

陈新女士 A&O Shearman 大中华区联席主管合伙人兼CEMA*基金及资管业务联席主管合伙人

*CEMA: 欧洲大陆、中东、土耳其、非洲和亚太地区


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Mr. Ying Dai, Executive Director & Senior VP, CALB

Mr. Dai Ying, who has been deeply engaged in the feld of commercial management and capital operation for more than 20 years, has rich experience in indushial developmert and business managemment. He is good at capital operation and closely integats with industrial development to achieve the co-development of capitall and indushry. In the feld of new energy industry, he takes the strategic consideration of continuous innovation and techmology leadership, to create a hanorious coexistence, green and sustainable deveopment ofthe globalnew energy ecology contribution.

戴穎先生 中创新航 执行董事及副总裁



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Mr. Frank Tang, Chairman and CEO, FountainVest Partners


唐葵先生 方源资本董事长兼CEO

Mr. Frank K. Tang is the Chairman and CEO of FountainVest Partners, a leading Asia-based private equity firm with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Frankfurt, Shanghai and Singapore. FountainVest actively invests in the consumer, healthcare, industrial and business service sectors.
Prior to co-founding FountainVest, Mr. Tang was with Temasek Holdings as Senior Managing Director, Investments & China, where he simultaneously headed China investments as well as global telecom, media and technology investments. As a member of the senior leadership team at Temasek, Mr. Tang sat on both firmwide Senior Management Committee and Senior Investment & Divestment Committee.
Mr. Tang worked at Goldman Sachs for nearly 11 years, he started there his investment banking career in New York, and then moved to Hong Kong. Mr. Tang also worked as an Executive Director in Principal Investment Area, the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs. He was later Managing Director and Head of Telecom, Media and Technology investment banking in Asia ex-Japan for Goldman Sachs prior to joining Temasek.
Mr. Tang is a board member of Amer Sports, Pure Fitness, BMTS, and previously served on the board of Accenture (Global Fortune 500), Key Safety System, IMAX China, Weibo, and Pacific Pension & Investment Institute among others. Mr. Tang has been a member of the World Economic Forum, a governor of the China Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, a trustee of Donghua University, and a board member of Columbia Business School’s Board of Overseers. He was born in Shanghai, and holds a bachelor’s degree from Donghua University in Shanghai and a MBA degree from Columbia Business School in New York.


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Mr. Wilfred Yiu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)

Wilfred Yiu was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on 1 March 2024.
In addition to this role, Mr Yiu acts as Co-Chief Operating Officer and Co-Head of Markets, with oversight of HKEX’s Markets and IT divisions. He is also Chief Executive of HKEX’s wholly-owned subsidiaries, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited.
Mr Yiu joined HKEX in 2019 as Head of Markets and was named Co-Chief Operating Officer in 2023. Since joining the Group, he has played a leading role in strengthening HKEX’s market infrastructure and diversifying its product and service ecosystem. He oversaw the launch of major initiatives including significant expansion to the Connect Programme, enhancement of Hong Kong’s role as Asia’s ETF marketplace, the rollout of the HKD-RMB Dual Counter Model and Derivatives Holiday Trading, providing investors with greater opportunities and wider cross-border market accessibility.
Mr Yiu has nearly 30 years of experience in international capital markets and has worked at global banks in the US, Mainland China, and Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKEX, he had a 20-year career with Goldman Sachs, where he was last Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer at Beijing Gao Hua Securities Company, a joint venture of Goldman Sachs in Mainland China, and was responsible for the company’s China sales and trading businesses. Previously, Mr Yiu was Head of Credit Structured Products for Asia at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong.
Mr Yiu is a member of the Supervisory Committee for the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong and a member of the Advisory Committee for the Securities and Futures Commission. He is also a member of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance, an advisory board member of Research Institute for Business, and a Professional Fellow of the Honours Academy of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. He served as a governor for the board of the Dalian Commodity Exchange in China from 2015 to 2017.
Mr Yiu holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Stanford University and an MBA in Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University

姚嘉仁先生 香港交易及结算有限公司(香港交易所)集团副行政总裁



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